We have an excellent Church of England primary school in Longdon. It has strong links with St. James’ church and we are working to strengthen these further. The whole school comes to church once a month and on special occasions. The Vicar is a member of the Governors and is currently safeguarding lead. There is an additional foundation governor who sits on the school board and also on the Parochial Church Council. The main function of both of these foundation governors is to ensure that Christian values pervade the school ethos and that love, respect, tolerance and other Christian values are part of everyday life for the children. Of course, they will learn of other faiths and cultures, but British Christian values are taught as being important from the start. The Vicar regularly visits the school to help with class worship.
The school is now a member of the St. Chad’s Academies Trust which is based in Lichfield and is one of about twenty within the Trust.
We are proud of our village school and always look forward to their visits. When inspected by Ofsted in 2019 it was confirmed as being a ‘good’ school with no concerns.

Check out the school website too. www.st-james.staffs.sch.uk