Welcome to the ‘home’ page of St. James the Great,
the parish church of Longdon, Staffordshire. The shell is one of the symbols of St. James. Pilgrims to the shrine of St. James in Santiago de Compostela used to collect scallop shells as a token of their visit. The shells below are links to the main pages in this site, and there are other links to the left of this panel. We hope you enjoy browsing and that you find the site interesting and informative. If you are not a regular worshipper here, we look forward to seeing you at one of our events or services.
Safeguarding contacts: Diocesan link - 01543 360030
Safeguarding Officer - Alan White - 01543 490415 - safe@stjames-longdon.org.uk
Churchwarden - Val Shand - 01543 492662 - cw@stjames-longdon.org.uk
- Our coffee mornings are scheduled for each third Wednesday of each month, and take place in the Longdon Club and Institute. Coffee and cake are on offer for a £3.00 entrance fee. Raffle too. All are welcome - please bring your friends too. Next one is on 19th February 2025.
- Now that Janet has retired, the Churchwardens are the first point of contact for any enquiries.
See the contacts page. Our services continue as before, and we are very grateful to those clergy, mainly retired, who help us to continue God's work in the community.
Should you wish to donate to the work of St. James' please use the button below to connect to the Diocesan 'giving' page, then select Longdon, St. James'.
Thank you.
The pewsheet button will take you to the weekly pewsheet where you will find details of the service and additional information.
Sadly, we have said goodbye to Janet Waterfield, our Vicar for the last twelve-and-a-half years. We wish her and her family good health and a long and happy retirement.